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Why Legacy Modernization is Essential for Digital Transformation

Written by Cecilia Santis | Oct 23, 2020 4:32:49 PM

As the tide continues to change with innovation in technology, corporations are having to replace or update traditional platforms or systems in order to have a competitive advantage. If old technology isn’t replaced, companies risk falling behind, not seeing business growth, and losing valuable clientele. Because of this, digital transformation is becoming a common practice.

Throughout a digital transformation process, it’s important to plan for legacy modernization as an essential step in this process. But what is legacy modernization, why is important, and what are its benefits? In this blog, we’ll explain all of this and more, along with how EdgeReady Cloud is a great solution to help in legacy modernization.

Legacy Modernization: What It Is and Why It’s Important

So, what is legacy modernization? In short, legacy modernization refers to the process of transforming or converting a legacy system into a modern infrastructure to reduce IT costs, improve agility, collaboration, and consistency. 

This promotes a strong business platform and inevitably makes business workflows that much more automated and productive. When corporations are thinking about beginning their journey of digital transformation, legacy modernization is a key component in this process because maintaining an updated, modern system is crucial for the business growth.

But why are many corporations sticking to their legacy systems and not wanting to take a step towards modernization?

Myths of Legacy Modernization

Before diving into the many benefits of investing in legacy modernization, let’s explore some myths that have gone around about legacy modernization. These falsities instill reluctance in investors wanting to move forward with modernizing legacy systems, although they’re simply not true.

    • It will take years to see results from legacy modernization: While results from legacy modernization aren’t immediate, structuring it so that it allows for incremental modernization is a great tactic for automating the process which increases speed to market in the long run. EdgeReady Cloud accomplishes this in only a few weeks or months, instead of years. 
    • Legacy modernization is too expensive: While, yes, legacy modernization isn’t cheap, it’s costing you even more to not modernize. Acquiring technical debt from legacy systems over the years is not good for productivity for your business and makes it hard to stay in your budget. Modernizing your legacy SAP ERP systems with the help of EdgeReady Cloud not only lowers costs but increases speed to market.
    • Legacy modernization projects are doomed to fail: In some cases, this can be true, depending on how you approach the legacy modernization project and what solutions you choose in your digital transformation journey. In this respect, it’s best to thoroughly plan out your legacy modernization project and do so through an incremental migration approach. That way, larger projects are broken down into smaller pieces where testing is done continuously, reducing risk of failure. Choosing a great solution in this process, such as EdgeReady Cloud, is also imperative.

Benefits of Legacy Modernization for Your Corporation

To truly understand why legacy modernization is essential in your digital transformation journey, we’re going to outline the benefits that come with it.

    • Efficiency and Reliability: Legacy systems can often malfunction with no warning, so having an updated system drastically decreases the risk of errors occurring and offers top-notch performance.
    • Satisfied Customers and Employees: User experience has greatly improved throughout the years, resulting in employees wanting sleeker, more efficient systems to work with. A modern system can improve employee productivity while also improving customer satisfaction in the process.
    • Future-Proof Business: Technology is constantly changing, so having a modern system that is able to evolve and change throughout the years is necessary. With an agile SAP ERP system, you can be confident in its ability to keep up with innovation overtime.
    • Competitive Advantage: With a modernized system, you can outperform your competitors and draw in more clientele as a result of this.
    • Better Analytics: Having raw data of how your business is performing and where it needs to improve is essential for business growth. This is difficult to achieve with a legacy system, so modernization is your best bet. Through legacy modernization, you can analyze data and make use of it.
    • Reduced Costs: By modernizing legacy systems, technical debt will decrease and it will greatly reduce costs you’re paying for an outdated system.

So, what solutions are out there to achieve legacy modernization in your digital transformation journey?

Digitally Transform with EdgeReady Cloud

To truly see success in the digital transformation journey of your SAP ERP, consider EdgeReady Cloud to modernize your legacy system. EdgeReady Cloud is a low-code rapid application development platform that accomplishes legacy modernization rapidly and efficiently. With its offline capabilities, users can easily create applications that integrate with their existing business system and enhance mobility. Additionally, using EdgeReady Cloud greatly increases speed to market, putting you way ahead of the competition while effectively modernizing your legacy systems.

See what your company can achieve with EdgeReady Cloud supporting legacy modernization. Learn more here.