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Transformation & Innovation

Pillir offers modernization solutions that enable companies to meet demand for digital services with rapid application development without having to conduct repetitive, initial programming, as well as basic infrastructure and controls build out. EdgeReady Cloud allows companies to focus on innovation and spend less time, money and effort keeping the lights on - lowering costs and increasing speed-to-market.


About Pillir's Technology

DownLoad PDF pdf-icon Pillir Summary Document

Modernize SAP with ABAP Analysis Dashboard

DownLoad PDF pdf-icon About ABAP App

EdgeReady Cloud and SAP

DownLoad PDF pdf-icon EdgeReady Cloud for SAP

Oil & Gas Case Study

Learn more Nabors

Manufacturing Case Study

Learn More Dole Packaged Foods

Chemicals Case Study


Logistics Case Study

Learn More Mobile Mini

EdgeReady Cloud Provides Solutions For

connectivity connectivity-hover
Connectivity and downtime issues for remote workers
lengthy lengthy-hover
Lengthy manual data input procedures
application application-hover
Modernizing legacy application processes
development development-hover
Time consuming application development
speed-market speed-market-hover
Speed-to-market of new apps
technology technology-hover
Maximizing technology spend
integration-1 integration-hover
M&A systems integration
divestiture-systems divestiture-systems-hover
Divestiture systems segregation
business business-hover
Business productivity inefficiencies
build-mobile build-mobile-hover
Rapidly build mobile forms
digitize-workflows digitize-workflows-hover
Digitize workflows online or offline
extending-internal extending-internal-hover
Extending internal systems to the edge

Start building applications and modernize, today.

Connect with us to begin building applications for any ERP system for free. Fill out the form and our team will help get you started.

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What Our Customers Are Saying

“Thanks to our work with the Pillir team, Villara’s payroll process is far more accurate and far more efficient than ever before. Field team members easily complete job-costed time entry quickly, easily, and far more enjoyably than ever before. Supervisors can easily review and approve time daily, even when they are geographically distant from team members. Payroll data entry for field teams has been reduced by over 95%, substantially lowering costs." Read more

Chief IT, Innovation & Learning Officer at Villara Building Systems