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Lowering the TCO of SAP Deployments with Pillir and ASUG

In an insightful partner webinar, Pillir and ASUG teamed up to explain how they can help organizations lower the TCO of SAP deployments.

America’s SAP Users Group (ASUG), an almost 30 year old community of over 130,000 SAP-tenured professionals, partners with Pillir to discuss the value of modernizing SAP platforms, while lowering the TCO of deployment for custom ABAP code.

TCO stands for total cost of ownership or an estimate of all the direct and indirect costs associated with acquiring and operating a product or system. During times of economic crisis, it’s more important than ever to budget and not spend more money than needed to attain modernization and optimization within your business systems. In a SAP ecosystem, TCO reflects the cost to maintain custom objects on your existing SAP ECC system, as well as the eventual cost to remediate when migrating to S/4HANA.

With Pillir’s solutions, your organization can expect a 30% reduction of TCO, and 20x increase of speed-to-market, and a 75% reduction in development and hosting costs, as an example.

So how does a manual workflow get modernized and TCO get discovered? Watch the partner webinar video below to learn more about ASUG’s community value along with how Pillir’s solutions such as EdgeReady Cloud and NANCI can help to lower the TCO of SAP deployments and decrease costs in SAP ERP.


How Systems or Applications Get a High TCO

Overtime, an organization’s systems can accumulate a high TCO if not deployed with a multitude of potential issues in mind. For example, if a system is only deployed with issues such as functionality, performance and capacity in mind, TCO will inevitably rise. Post-deployment is another necessary step to consider and is made up of the following criteria:

  • Availability: the system or application is there when the user requires it.
  • Ease of use: there are no complex or highly technical procedures to remember or learn.
  • Security: the user’s work is secure and protected from loss or unauthorized access

A high TCO results when the above facets are not considered, which can greatly hinder the long-term success of the system. In such cases, Pillir’s NANCI application helps to determine TCO, reveal ABAP customizations, and modernize SAP systems in minutes. Additionally, ASUG’s valuable community offers SAP customers an outlet to converse with members from various different industries and SAP expertise, which proves to be a valuable resource for organizations going through modernization processes.

Pillir and ASUG’s Solution

So, how can both Pillir and ASUG help to lower the TCO of SAP deployments, while saving your company money throughout the modernization process?

ASUG offers a community of learning from others and sharing technological advice through different initiatives, focus areas, events on and offline, and growing connections through an expansive SAP network. This is useful, as previously mentioned, because the process of modernization and discovering how to lower TCO is typically an internal process. Having the help of ASUG members is a beneficial resource to have under your belt.

Along with ASUG’s community, Pillir offers the #1 ABAP cost analysis application, NANCI, that discovers TCO in minutes, while revealing ABAP customizations. Being able to discover technical debt and total cost of ownership is the first step in the modernization process. Think of a dashboard that gives you an indicator of your technical debt while standardizing your SAP code. Additionally, EdgeReady Cloud not only modernizes legacy code but also offers rapid application development with little-to-no coding. Once it’s been installed, NANCI discovers all of your custom ABAP objects, their interdependencies, and their TCO.

Learn how to lower your TCO and identify ways to enhance your speed to market. Receive a free download of North America's #1 TCO Analyzer and ABAP Discovery app, NANCI. 

Cecilia Santis

Cecilia Santis

Cecilia is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Pillir and loves to write about emerging technologies.