In session one of a four part digital webinar series, Pillir and AWS join forces to explore the best ways to reduce costs in the oil and gas industry. With EdgeReady Cloud, powered by AWS, oil and gas processes become more innovative and cost-effective.
Watch the webinar below or continue reading for a quick webinar recap.
AWS: Playbook for Energy
It’s a crucial time for energy leaders to lay the foundation for the future, especially as we continue experiencing a global pandemic. For this reason, AWS has outlined a playbook for accelerating innovation and transformation during this crisis.
Reflect on this inflection point
This step is meant to reflect on what is interesting about today’s crisis. Today’s crisis requires all corporations to reexamine business foundations and fundamentals, while posing the following questions:
- What should we stop doing?
- What should we continue doing the same as before the crisis?
- What should we start doing that we didn’t do before?
Reimagine different energy futures
As Marcos Kajita of AWS recounts, during the influx of the pandemic, many corporations went the traditional route of reducing costs for their business in the face of the crisis while others went reacted in a previously unimagined way: by implementing business continuity tools overnight and embracing scalable collaboration tools across enterprises.
In step two, we seek to understand better energy futures in order to get a better grasp on the future in its entirety. Below are some recommendations from AWS to accomplish this:
- Make strategic planning an ongoing and dynamic practice with real-time data
- Link future scenario to your company financial statements
- Work backwards and forwards through each scenario
Restructure the core operations
In the third step, core operations are restructured, with a special attention to energy, technology and human capital portfolio. This step encourages corporations to reimagine their workflows that combine smart humans that make up their team of employees and powerful machines. This can replace thinking about these two entities separately.
Realign external relationships in ecosystems
In the fourth and final step, corporations should take a closer look at their company’s roles and relationships in the following areas:
- Business execution ecosystem
- Digital execution ecosystem
- Business transformation ecosystem
- Digital innovation ecosystem
AWS for SAP Customers in Oil and Gas
So why is AWS the right choice for SAP customers who are searching for a streamlined cloud solution? Well, there are a few reasons:
- Culture of innovation: AWS works backwards with customers on their biggest business problems. Innovation is delivered at a swift pace.
- Broadest and deepest platform: As a result of having a culture innovation, AWS has the most services available with the deepest features of any cloud provider.
- Most oil and gas domain experience: AWS has a large team of dedicated oil and gas domain experts to help you design and bring to market your unique solutions.
- Global footprint: AWS has 70 availability zones with 24 geographic regions across 42 countries, making their services extremely reliable.
- Comprehensive security and compliance controls: They support a broad set of security and compliance programs (NIST, ISO, etc.)
- Highest operational reliability: Lastly, AWS has 24 times fewer downtime hours than the next largest cloud provider
When it comes to cost, SAP on AWS significantly reduces TCO (total cost of ownership) and risk by 25-50% while accelerating innovation. For this reason, along with moving entirely to the Cloud, SAP customers can trust that partners such as Pillir will provide a cohesive way to accomplish digital transformation.
Pillir: A Unique Approach to Modernizing SAP
Through the power of AWS, Pillir provides a solution for SAP customers to elicit innovation in their existing legacy systems while reducing costs. EdgeReady Cloud extends SAP to the edge of our customers’ business while reducing reliance on customizations and digitizing all SAP related job functions. With this low code, rapid application development platform, SAP customers can build applications faster, smarter, and more efficiently.
Using AWS cloud scalability, resiliency, and security, it offers pre-built features and functions, contributing to overall productivity for your business.Our platform allows you to maintain a standard and clean SAP system – lowering TCO and increasing the rate of change. It also enables you to understand how non-core customizations can be easily modernized with track improvement of efficiency of any operating environment over time.
Interested in understanding more about how the power of AWS and Pillir offer a great solution for customers in the oil and gas industry? Click here for more information.